The New rebelconverting.com
If you’ve been away from our website for awhile, you’re seeing some pretty big changes. For the better part of a year, at the height of the pandemic, we gave rebelconverting.com over to activism. The business was going great guns, thank you. We felt it more important to support COVID mitigation. It turned into a huge team effort involving many companies throughout southeastern Wisconsin. And also countless private groups and individuals who volunteered to make free face masks from our kits. The campaign was part of the nationwide 100 Millions Masks Project launched by Oregon’s Providence Health Network. We made and gave away three million masks to health workers, first responders, elder care professionals… on and on. This thing took on such momentum, even the Milwaukee Bucks got involved. But, with the pandemic on the run finally, and mask mandates slowly but surely being repealed all across America, it was time for Rebel Converting to refocus on our core businesses. Rest assured that benevolence will remain a big part of who we are. Now, however, we have a whole separate website for that, rebelreform.org.